I think we are all becoming increasingly impressed with the community work (extensão) done by Brazilian Universities, and UniCEUB is no different. Here, at UniCEUB in Brasília, they give away old banners to be made into bags, and then buy them back. Students have an opportunity to do work in the community at a marvellous facility in the city centre, where the general public paid less than the minimum wage (around B$500 or £185 a month) can get emotional and physical support for free. This gives students experience which they can get a certificate for to accompany their degree.
A nutrition class at UniCEUB's extensão centre, where students are designing healthy menus for restaurants in Brasília.
The University funds all of this from fees (comparable to those in the UK) and minimal sponsorship, and the activity is overseen by a separate Dean with involvement from at least one professor in each department. UniCEUB's philanthropic perspective may not be common in Brazil, but they can still deliver what they need to without charging considerable fees. It does limit what they can deliver, but as a predominantly teaching university they have a very small research budget. Their ethos is reflected in a message which appears on every other stair and just inside every door on the floor: "Você é parter do UniCEUB. UniCEUB é parter do você." or "You are a part of UniCEUB. UniCEUB is a part of you."
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