Saturday, 12 February 2011

Where are we going?

Unfortunately, we can't vist all of Brazil in our 10 day trip ... We are flying into Sao Paulo, following which we will go to Brasilia and lastly Rio de Janeiro. We plan to visit the Universidade de Sao Paulo, Fundacao Getulio Vargas, Universidad de Brasilia, Centro Universitario de Brasilia, Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro (aka Universidade do Brazil), Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro.

Having just typed out that lot a bit painfully, I'm happy to report that Brazilian HE is very keen on acronyms - which means we are visiting USP, FGV, UniCEUB, URFJ and PUC Rio respectively. Phew. I think it will take me a little while to get familiar with all those.

The Universities in Brazil are a mixture of private and public foundations. PUC Rio is one of a series of Catholic foundations, which are private. As we don't have many private Universities in the UK, it will be interesting to understand the differences, advantages and disadvantages of each type.

We'll also be visiting the British Embassy and the British Council in Brasilia.

We will of course have a full itinerary of meetings at each institution, but we hope to be able to experience a little of Brazilian life and culture too. If you're Brazilian and/or have been to Brazil and have any tips for interesting places to visit or good places to eat please let us know. Ideas for what to do with a weekend in Rio will be particularly appreciated!

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